Don’t just find the dots, connect them.

Intellego XT offers scalable real-time analytics, providing actionable intelligence into a subject of interest.

Monitoring, Data Forensics and Investigative Intelligence with Intellego XT

Preventing Threats to Society

Knowledge is prevention and with SS8’s Intellego XT, you can uncover the unknown. Follow your subjects-of-interest (SOIs) not just across geography, but across multiple applications and all identities.

Turning Voice Data into Intelligence

Focused on forensics, Intellego XT monitors and analyzes voice and other communication data in real-time. Highlighting only key events of interest, it provides intelligence agencies with insights to help solve crimes.

Handover Support

Intellego XT supports 3GPP and ETSI standards and PCAP file format for encrypted handover interfaces to law enforcement agencies.

Are you receiving the best intelligence data?

Real-time communication intelligence solutions that support all network types to comply with local regulations or laws.

Featured Resources

Free Overview For Law Enforcement Agencies

Empowering LEAs with Actionable Intelligence