Compliant & Scalable Lawful Interception
Designed for real-time communication monitoring and extraction, Xcipio is a robust platform that excels in today’s high-speed networks.
Lawful Intercept Solutions
Flexible Architecture
High speed and real-time intercept platforms that provide both active, passive and hybrid communication data extractions.
Scalable & Secure
Scalable, secure and standards-based, Xcipio is a lawful intercept solution that supports complex and high volume networks.
Proven Compliance
Deployed in-network or as a virtual solution, SS8 ensures providers are compliant with regulatory requirements.
Powerful Mediation Capabilities
Single Click
Streamline provisioning a new environment with a single and intelligent UI.
Data Capture
High speed and real-time interception for both active and passive communication data.
Services Ready
Meet lawful intelligence requests using built-in location services.
Compliant interception for all network types, including 5G, with a single platform.
Support containerized deployments in addition to vitual or traditional in-network deployments.
Mobile Edge
Computing Ready
Increase efficiency by processing communications traffic on the edge.