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Comprehensive, Real-time Results

Law Enforcement agencies can quickly access communications data and view the results on a user interface specifically designed for intelligence purposes. Visualizing disparate data sources as one, Intellego XT accelerates data analysis to drive better investigative outcomes.

Law Enforcement Solutions

Greater Intelligence

Intellego XT provides comprehensive results by rapidly aggregating location, IoT, metadata and other sources.

Detailed Analysis

Able to handle large data volumes, Intellego XT can ingest, and reconstruct, to quickly provide intelligence analytics.

Powerful User Interface

Intellego XT includes a powerful and customizable forensics interface to graphically display intelligence results.

Empowering Law Enforcement Agencies with Actionable Intelligence

Monitoring Center

Receive actionable intelligence into a subject of interest.


Leverage detailed location data analysis for greater intelligence gathering.

Multiple Sources

Unite and analyze multiple siloed data sources simultaneously for expedited investigative results.

Create Digital

Use “Data Fusion” to combine 3rd party data sources to offset traffic going dark due to encryption.

Data Silos

Leverage one seamless platform to execute sophisticated cross data set queries.

& Flexible

Cloud Native, scalable and cost-effective architecture.

Are you receiving the best intelligence data?

Real-time communication intelligence solutions that support all network types to comply with local regulations or laws.

Featured Resources

Free On-demand Webinar

The Data Silo Dilemma for Law Enforcement